Monday, March 16, 2009

Im Jennifer Anniston and youre Angelina Jolie just not hot

I was watching Oprah months ago when I was supposed to be finding the best way to sell my downloadable e-guides and videos, but watching Oprah was way more fun. Because it has plenty of Celebrity and i love to take celebrity photos out of it.

Anyway, she had Jennifer Anniston on of Friends fame. They were talking about her recent Vogue cover where she stated what Angelina did was uncool.

In case you’ve been living in a cave for some time now, I’ll update you on the soap opera which so closely mirrors my life. Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt were married. Beautiful couple, envy of all.

Brad went off to work on a movie with Angelina Jolie. They fell in love (I’m sure it was lust first). Brad ended up leaving his wife Jennifer and having lots of kids with Angelina. Bummer.

Jennifer Anniston in an interview with Vogue magazine said it was uncool that Angelina would say that she hopes her children would watch the movie her and Brad were in and know this is when they fell in love. “Look kids, daddy is married to someone else. I was a home wrecker and had no morals. Let’s hope this will happen to you one day. That you’ll be the home wrecker, not the betrayed. Now let’s go adopt you another sibling!”

Now that I’m divorced, I can completely relate with Jennifer Anniston. Heck, I am Jennifer Anniston! I’m young, beautiful, and got betrayed by my husband and his skanky co-worker. I guess in my life, my ex would be the black Brad Pitt. Just with dreadlocks. And less money. And the co-worker he fell in lust with would be Angelina Jolie. Just not as hot. Or hot at all.

This is why when they drop my kids off after visiting with their dad she makes him park 2 blocks away so I can’t see her. Guilt is a bitch. Just like her. And Angelina. Just like Angelina, I once thought my ex’s new love was a nice girl. I had met her many times, had dinner, and went out with her. She was cool. Until she stole my husband. I have two words to say to her…”Thank you.”

Thank you to all the Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolie’s of the world. It gives us Jennifer Anniston’s and Guy Ritchie’s (oh Madonna, why, why do you have to be in the Angelina category?) a chance to move on to better things. You deserve a man who thinks your body is a wonderland (get it, a Wonderland?!) You also deserve to love and trust someone who can do something as simple as go to work and not cheat on you. I agree Jen, very uncool.

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